vineri, 30 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The swineherd (Porcarul)

Hans Christian Andersen - The swineherd (Porcarul)

Once upon a time lived a poor prince; his kingdom was very small, but it was large enough to enable him to marry, and marry he would. It was rather bold of him that he went and asked the emperor’s daughter: “Will you marry me?” but he ventured to do so, for his name was known far and wide, and there were hundreds of princesses who would have gladly accepted him, but would she do so? Now we shall see.
On the grave of the prince’s father grew a rose-tree, the most beautiful of its kind. It bloomed only once in five years, and then it had only one single rose upon it, but what a rose! It had such a sweet scent that one instantly forgot all sorrow and grief when one smelt it. He had also a nightingale, which could sing as if every sweet melody was in its throat. This rose and the nightingale he wished to give to the princess; and therefore both were put into big silver cases and sent to her.

joi, 29 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The snowman (Omul de zapada) & The jumper (Greierele)

Hans Christian Andersen - The snowman (Omul de zapada)

It is so delightfully cold,” said the Snow Man, “that it makes my whole body crackle. This is just the kind of wind to blow life into one. How that great red thing up there is staring at me!” He meant the sun, who was just setting. “It shall not make me wink. I shall manage to keep the pieces.”
He had two triangular pieces of tile in his head, instead of eyes; his mouth was made of an old broken rake, and was, of course, furnished with teeth. He had been brought into existence amidst the joyous shouts of boys, the jingling of sleigh-bells, and the slashing of whips. The sun went down, and the full moon rose, large, round, and clear, shining in the deep blue.

Hans Christian Andersen - The jumper (Greierele)

The Flea, the Grasshopper, and the Skipjack1 once wanted to see which of them could jump highest; and they invited the whole world, and whoever else would come, to see the grand sight. And there the three famous jumpers were met together in the room.
“Yes, I’ll give my daughter to him who jumps highest,” said the King, “for it would be mean to let these people jump for nothing.”
The Flea stepped out first. He had very pretty manners, and bowed in all directions, for he had young ladies’ blood in his veins, and was accustomed to consort only with human beings; and that was of great consequence.
Then came the Grasshopper: he was certainly much heavier, but he had a good figure, and wore the green uniform that was born with him. This person, moreover, maintained that he belonged to a very old family in the land of Egypt, and that he was highly esteemed there. He had just come from the field, he said, and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture cards with the figures turned inwards. There were doors and windows in the house, cut in the body of the Queen of Hearts.

miercuri, 28 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The little mermaid (Mica sirena)

Hans Christian Andersen - The little mermaid (Mica sirena)

Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above. There dwell the Sea King and his subjects. We must not imagine that there is nothing at the bottom of the sea but bare yellow sand. No, indeed; the most singular flowers and plants grow there; the leaves and stems of which are so pliant, that the slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life. Fishes, both large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly among the trees here upon land. In the deepest spot of all, stands the castle of the Sea King. Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of the clearest amber. The roof is formed of shells, that open and close as the water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen.

marți, 27 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The wild swans (Lebedele)

Hans Christian Andersen - The wild swans (Lebedele)

Far away in the land to which the swallows fly when it is winter, dwelt a king who had eleven sons, and one daughter, named Eliza. The eleven brothers were princes, and each went to school with a star on his breast, and a sword by his side. They wrote with diamond pencils on gold slates, and learnt their lessons so quickly and read so easily that every one might know they were princes. Their sister Eliza sat on a little stool of plate-glass, and had a book full of pictures, which had cost as much as half a kingdom. Oh, these children were indeed happy, but it was not to remain so always. Their father, who was king of the country, married a very wicked queen, who did not love the poor children at all. They knew this from the very first day after the wedding. In the palace there were great festivities, and the children played at receiving company; but instead of having, as usual, all the cakes and apples that were left, she gave them some sand in a tea-cup, and told them to pretend it was cake. The week after, she sent little Eliza into the country to a peasant and his wife, and then she told the king so many untrue things about the young princes, that he gave himself no more trouble respecting them.

luni, 26 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - Jack the fool (Jack cel ciudat)

Hans Christian Andersen - Jack the fool (Jack cel ciudat)

Far in the interior of the country lay an old baronial hall, and in it lived an old proprietor, who had two sons, which two young men thought themselves too clever by half. They wanted to go out and woo the King’s daughter; for the maiden in question had publicly announced that she would choose for her husband that youth who could arrange his words best.
So these two geniuses prepared themselves a full week for the wooing—this was the longest time that could be granted them; but it was enough, for they had had much preparatory information, and everybody knows how useful that is. One of them knew the whole Latin dictionary by heart, and three whole years of the daily paper of the little town into the bargain, and so well, indeed, that he could repeat it all either backwards or forwards, just as he chose. The other was deeply read in the corporation laws, and knew by heart what every corporation ought to know; and accordingly he thought he could talk of affairs of state, and put his spoke in the wheel in the council. And he knew one thing more: he could embroider suspenders with roses and other flowers, and with arabesques, for he was a tasty, light-fingered fellow.

duminică, 25 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The lovers (Indragostiti) & The old street lamp (Vechiul felinar)

Hans Christian Andersen - The lovers (Indragostiti)

The Top and the Ball lay in a drawer along with the other toys, and the Top said to the Ball: "Mightn't we be engaged? We lie in the same drawer." But the Ball, who was covered with morocco and thought as much of herself as any fine young lady, wouldn't reply to any such question as that.
Next day the little boy to whom the toys belonged came and painted the Top red and yellow, and drove a copper nail into it, which made a splendid appearance when the Top spun humming round.
"Look at me," said he to the Ball, "what do you say now? Mightn't we be an engaged couple—we suit each other so well. You jump and I dance; nobody could be happier than we two together."
"Oh, indeed, do you think so?" said the Ball. "You don't realize that my father and mother were morocco slippers, and that I have a cork in my body." "Well, but I'm made of mahogany," said the Top. "The Mayor himself turned me; he's got his own lathe, and he enjoyed doing it very much."
"Can I rely upon that statement?" said the Ball.
"May I never be whipped again if it's not true," answered the Top.

Hans Christian Andersen - The old street lamp (Vechiul felinar)

Did you ever hear the story of the old street lamp? It is not remarkably interesting, but for once in a way you may as well listen to it. It was a most respectable old lamp, which had seen many, many years of service, and now was to retire with a pension. It was this evening at its post for the last time, giving light to the street. His feelings were something like those of an old dancer at the theatre, who is dancing for the last time, and knows that on the morrow she will be in her garret, alone and forgotten. The lamp had very great anxiety about the next day, for he knew that he had to appear for the first time at the town hall, to be inspected by the mayor and the council, who were to decide if he were fit for further service or not;—whether the lamp was good enough to be used to light the inhabitants of one of the suburbs, or in the country, at some factory; and if not, it would be sent at once to an iron foundry, to be melted down. In this latter case it might be turned into anything, and he wondered very much whether he would then be able to remember that he had once been a street lamp, and it troubled him exceedingly. Whatever might happen, one thing seemed certain, that he would be separated from the watchman and his wife, whose family he looked upon as his own. The lamp had first been hung up on that very evening that the watchman, then a robust young man, had entered upon the duties of his office. Ah, well, it was a very long time since one became a lamp and the other a watchman. His wife had a little pride in those days; she seldom condescended to glance at the lamp, excepting when she passed by in the evening, never in the daytime. But in later years, when all these,—the watchman, the wife, and the lamp— had grown old, she had attended to it, cleaned it, and supplied it with oil. The old people were thoroughly honest, they had never cheated the lamp of a single drop of the oil provided for it.

sâmbătă, 24 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The emperor's new clothes (Hainele cele noi ale imparatului)

Hans Christian Andersen - The emperor's new clothes (Hainele cele noi ale imparatului)

Once upon a time there lived a vain Emperor whose only worry in life was to dress in elegant clothes. He changed clothes almost every hour and loved to show them off to his people.
Word of the Emperor's refined habits spread over his kingdom and beyond. Two scoundrels who had heard of the Emperor's vanity decided to take advantage of it. They introduced themselves at the gates of the palace with a scheme in mind.
"We are two very good tailors and after many years of research we have invented an extraordinary method to weave a cloth so light and fine that it looks invisible. As a matter of fact it is invisible to anyone who is too stupid and incompetent to appreciate its quality."
The chief of the guards heard the scoundrel's strange story and sent for the court chamberlain. The chamberlain notified the prime minister, who ran to the Emperor and disclosed the incredible news. The Emperor's curiosity got the better of him and he decided to see the two scoundrels.

vineri, 23 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The travelling companion (Tovarasul de calatorie)

Hans Christian Andersen - The travelling companion (Tovarasul de calatorie)

Poor John was very sad; for his father was so ill, he had no hope of his recovery. John sat alone with the sick man in the little room, and the lamp had nearly burnt out; for it was late in the night.

“You have been a good son, John,” said the sick father, “and God will help you on in the world.” He looked at him, as he spoke, with mild, earnest eyes, drew a deep sigh, and died; yet it appeared as if he still slept.

John wept bitterly. He had no one in the wide world now; neither father, mother, brother, nor sister. Poor John! he knelt down by the bed, kissed his dead father’s hand, and wept many, many bitter tears. But at last his eyes closed, and he fell asleep with his head resting against the hard bedpost. Then he dreamed a strange dream; he thought he saw the sun shining upon him, and his father alive and well, and even heard him laughing as he used to do when he was very happy. A beautiful girl, with a golden crown on her head, and long, shining hair, gave him her hand; and his father said, “See what a bride you have won. She is the loveliest maiden on the whole earth.” Then he awoke, and all the beautiful things vanished before his eyes, his father lay dead on the bed, and he was all alone. Poor John!

joi, 22 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The gardener and the family (Gradinarul si familia)

Hans Christian Andersen - The gardener and the family (Gradinarul si familia)

Four or five miles from the capital stood an old manor, with thick walls, tower, and pointed gables.

Here lived, but only in the summer-time, a noble family: this manor was the best and most beautiful of all the estates they possessed: outside, it looked as if it were newly built, and inside was very comfortable and cosy. The family coat of arms was carved in stone over the door, lovely roses twined themselves over the coat of arms and over the balcony, and a beautiful lawn stretched out before the house: there were red thorns and white thorns, and rare flowers even outside of the hot-house. The family had a very good gardener; it was a treat to see the flower garden, the fruit and kitchen gardens. Up to this time there was still a part of the original old garden, with some box hedges, cut in the shapes of crowns and pyramids. Behind these stood two old trees: they were nearly always leafless, and one could easily believe that a wind storm or a water-spout had strewn them over with great clumps of manure, but every clump was a bird’s nest.

miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The beetle (Gandacul)

Hans Christian Andersen - The beetle (Gandacul)

The emperor's favourite horse was shod with gold. It had a golden shoe on each of its feet.
And why was this?
He was a beautiful creature, with delicate legs, bright intelligent eyes, and a mane that hung down over his neck like a veil. He had carried his master through the fire and smoke of battle, and heard the bullets whistling around him, had kicked, bitten, and taken part in the fight when the enemy advanced, and had sprung with his master on his back over the fallen foe, and had saved the crown of red gold, and the life of the emperor, which was more valuable than the red gold; and that is why the emperor's horse had golden shoes.
And a beetle came creeping forth.

marți, 20 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The galoshes of fortune (Galosii aducatori de noroc)

Hans Christian Andersen - The galoshes of fortune (Galosii aducatori de noroc)

It was in Copenhagen, in one of the houses on East Street, not far from King's Newmarket, that someone was giving a large party. For one must give a party once in a while, if one expects to be invited in return. Half of the guests were already at the card tables, and the rest were waiting to see what would come of their hostess's query:
"What can we think up now?"
Up to this point, their conversation had gotten along as best it might. Among other things, they had spoken of the Middle Ages. Some held that it was a time far better than our own. Indeed Councilor of Justice Knap defended this opinion with such spirit that his hostess sided with him at once, and both of them loudly took exception to Oersted's article in the Almanac, which contrasted old times and new, and which favored our own period. The Councilor of Justice, however, held that the time of King Hans, about 1500 A.D., was the noblest and happiest age.

luni, 19 aprilie 2010

Cum repunem la seed fisierele din uTorrent (how to back-up uTorrent) – tutorial video

Cum repunem la seed fisierele din uTorrent dupa un reinstal de windows sau uTorrent - Tutorial video

Multi dintre noi am facut cel putin odata greseala sa reinstalam sistemul de operare si sa pierdem fara sa ne dam seama,fisierele pe care le-am avut la seed.Aceasta poate fi o mare problema mai ales daca avem conturi pe trakerele unde necesita logare si cont,pentru ca pierzand seedul nu mai facem ratie si riscam sa fim banati sau dati afara de pe trakerul/trakerele respective

Metoda pe care vreau sa vi-o prezint astazi este una foarte simpla.Nu trebuie decat sa urmam niste pasi simpli care ne pot scapa de multe necazuri.
Iata ce trebuie sa faceti:

- Inainte sa reinstalam sistemul de operare,dam clic pe “Start” apoi pe “Run” si in casuta “run” scriem urmatoarea comanda: %AppData%\uTorrent ( Semnul “%” ne perimte sa accesam folderele ascunse din sistemul de operare,”AppData” fiind denumirea folderului ascuns din Windows) si dam ok sau enter
- In fereastra care se deschide vom avea toate fisierele ce contin setarile si fisierele puse in clientul uTorrent.Dam click pe un fisier oarecare, apoi apasam CTRL + A pentru a selecta toate fisierele,apoi dand clic dreapta pe unu din ele alegem din meniul contextual “Add to archive” (trebuie sa aveti instalat un manager de arhive cum ar fi: Winrar,Winzip,7Zip)
- Asteptam ca Winrarul(in cazul de fata) sa arhiveze toate fisierele

- Dupa ce Winrarul si-a facut treaba dam clic dreapta pe arhiva si din meniul contextual alegem “cut”(taiere),ne ducem intr-o alta partitie si dam “Paste”(lipire)
- Acesti pasi fiind facuti putem trece la reinstalul de Windows sau uTorrent
- Dupa ce am reinstalat sistemul de operare sau dupa ce am instalat uTorrentul,inchidem clientul de torrente,mergem iarasi pe “Start” apoi pe “Run” si in casuta scriem din nou comanda: %AppData%\uTorrent,dam ok sau enter se va deschide folderul ascuns unde uTorrentul isi tine setarile.
- Ne ducem in locatia unde am salvat arhiva o luam cu Cut sau Copy si o Past-am in acest folder ascuns,dam clic dreapta pe arhiva,alegem din meniul contextual “Extract Heare” se va deschide o fereastra micuta care ne va anunta ca unele fisiere pe care le contine arhiva deja exista in acest folder si ne intreaba daca vrem sa inlocuim aceste fisiere,dam clic pe “Yes to All”,asteptam sa se extraga arhiva (dupa ce arhiva sa extras putem sterge Arhiva pentru ca noi deja am extras din ea ce ne interesa) inchidem ferestrele deschise anterior si pornim clinetul uTorrent
- Dupa ce clientul de torrente sa deschis vom avea toate fisierele pe care le aveam inainte sa reinstalam Windowsul sau uTorrentul.
- Nu ne mai ramane decat sa dam clic pe un fisier din client apoi apasam CTRL+A ca sa selectam toate fisierele dam clic dreapta pe unu din ele si alegem din meniul contextual “Stop”,apoi iarasi dam clic dreapta si din meniul contextual de aceasta data alegem “Force Re-Check” pentru ca clientul sa-si reindexseze fisierele si locatia unde acestea se afla,asteptam sa se indexseze toate fisierele(timpul in care se va termina de reverificat/indexat fisierele depinde de marimea fisierelor pe care le-am downloadat).Dupa ce reverificarea sa terminat le selectam iarasi pe toate dam clic dreapta pe unul din ele si alegem din meniul contextual “Start”

Urmand acesti pasi clientul nostru va contine toate fisierele avute la seed si toate setarile avute inainte de a face reinstalul de windows!
Este foarte important sa nu schimbati locatia unde sa downloadat torrentele inainte sa faceti toti pasii de mai sus,si aveti grija sa nu stergeti/formatati partitiile unde sunt salvate fisierele descarcate...


Hans Christian Andersen - Little Ida's flowers (Florile micutei Ida) & The princess and the pea (Printesa si bobul de mazare)

Hans Christian Andersen - Little Ida's flowers (Florile micutei Ida)

"My poor flowers are quite dead," said little Ida. "They were so pretty last evening, but now every leaf has withered and drooped. Why do they do that?" she asked the student who sat on the sofa.

She was very fond of him because he told such good stories and could cut such amusing figures out of paper-hearts with dancing ladies inside them, flowers of all sorts, and castles with doors that you could open and close. He was a rollicking fellow.

Hans Cristian Andersen - The princess and the pea (Printesa si bobul de mazare)

There was once a prince, and he wanted a princess, but then she must be a real Princess. He travelled right around the world to find one, but there was always something wrong. There were plenty of princesses, but whether they were real princesses he had great difficulty in discovering; there was always something which was not quite right about them. So at last he had come home again, and he was very sad because he wanted a real princess so badly.One evening there was a terrible storm; it thundered and lightninged and the rain poured down in torrents; indeed it was a fearful night.

sâmbătă, 17 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - Thumbelina (Degetica)

Hans Christian Andersen - Thumbelina (Degetica)

There was once a woman who wished very much to have a little child, but she could not obtain her wish. At last she went to a fairy, and said, “I should so very much like to have a little child; can you tell me where I can find one?”
“Oh, that can be easily managed,” said the fairy. “Here is a barleycorn of a different kind to those which grow in the farmer’s fields, and which the chickens eat; put it into a flower-pot, and see what will happen.”

vineri, 16 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The flying trunk (Cufarul zburator)

Hans Christian Andersen - The flying trunk (Cufarul zburator)

There once was a merchant so wealthy that he could have paved a whole street with silver, and still have had enough left over to pave a little alley. But he did nothing of the sort. He knew better ways of using his money than that. If he parted with pennies they came back to him as crowns. That's the sort of merchant he was-and then he died.

Era odata un negustor asa de bogat incat ar fi putut sa pardoseasca cu bani de argint toata strada lui si pe langa asta si o ulicioara aproape toata, dar nu le pardosea pentru ca-si intrebuinta altfel banii si cand dadea o para, lua inapoi un galben, fiindca era priceput; dar intr-o buna zi a murit.
Fecioru-su a mostenit toata averea si cand s-a vazut cu atata banet a inceput sa duca o viata de petreceri; facea zmee din banii de hartie si arunca in apa galbeni in loc de pietre.
Cu asemenea indeletniciri, paralele s-au ispravit repede si nu i-au mai ramas decat patru banuti de arama, iar haine nu mai avea decat un halat vechi si o pereche de papuci.

joi, 15 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The Golden Treasure (Comoara de aur)

Hans Christian Andersen - The Golden Treasure (Comoara de aur)

The drummer’s wife went into the church. She saw the new altar with the painted pictures and the carved angels. Those upon the canvas and in the glory over the altar were just as beautiful as the carved ones; and they were painted and gilt into the bargain. Their hair gleamed golden in the sunshine, lovely to behold; but the real sunshine was more beautiful still. It shone redder, clearer through the dark trees, when the sun went down. It was lovely thus to look at the sunshine of heaven. And she looked at the red sun, and she thought about it so deeply, and thought of the little one whom the stork was to bring, and the wife of the drummer was very cheerful, and looked and looked, and wished that the child might have a gleam of sunshine given to it, so that it might at least become like one of the shining angels over the altar.

miercuri, 14 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The Fir Tree (Bradul)

Hans Christian Andersen - The Fir Tree (Bradul)

"...Out in the woods stood a nice little Fir Tree. The place he had was a very good one: the sun shone on him: as to fresh air, there was enough of that, and round him grew many large-sized comrades, pines as well as firs. But the little Fir wanted so very much to be a grown-up tree.
He did not think of the warm sun and of the fresh air; he did not care for the little cottage children that ran about and prattled when they were in the woods looking for wild-strawberries. The children often came with a whole pitcher full of berries, or a long row of them threaded on a straw, and sat down near the young tree and said, "Oh, how pretty he is! What a nice little fir!" But this was what the Tree could not bear to hear..."

marți, 13 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - What the Old Man does is right (Batranul intelept)

Hans Christian Andersen - What the Old Man does is right (Batranul intelept)

"...Well, there was a farmhouse just like that out in the country, and in it there lived two people, a farmer and his wife. They had few enough possessions, but still there was one they could do without, and that was a horse, which grazed along the ditch beside the highway. The old farmer used it to ride to town and lent it to his neighbors, receiving some slight services from them in return, but still it would be much more profitable to sell the horse, or at least exchange it for something that would be more useful to them..."

luni, 12 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The Tinderbox (Amnarul Fermecat)

Hans Christian Andersen - The Tinderbox (Amnarul Fermecat)

The story opens with a soldier climbing into a hollow tree to retrieve a magic tinderbox at the behest of a witch. In the tree, he finds three chambers filled with precious coins guarded by three monstrous dogs. He fills his pockets with money, finds the tinderbox, and returns to the witch. When she demands the tinderbox without giving a reason, the soldier lops off her head with his sword.
In the following scene, the soldier enters a large city and buys himself splendid clothing. He makes many friends, and lives in a magnificent apartment. He learns of a princess kept in a tower after a prophecy foretold her marriage to a common soldier; his interest is piqued and he wants to see her but realizes his whim cannot be satisfied. Eventually, the soldier's money is depleted and he is forced to live in a dark attic. He strikes the tinderbox to light the room, and one of the dogs appears before him. The soldier then discovers he can summon all three dogs and order them to bring him money from their subterrarean dwelling. Again, he lives splendidly.
One night, he recalls the story of the princess in the locked tower, and desires to see her. He strikes the tinderbox and sends one of the dogs to bring her to his apartment. The soldier is overwhelmed with her beauty, kisses her and orders the dog to return her to the tower. The following morning, the princess tells her parents she has had a strange dream and relates the night's adventure. The royal couple then watch her closely. When the princess is carried away again, they unsuccessfully use a trail of flour and chalk marks on neighborhood doors to find where she spends her nights. Eventually, her whereabouts are discovered and the soldier is clapped in prison and sentenced to death.
On the day of execution, the soldier sends a boy for his tinderbox, and, at the scaffold, asks to have a last smoke. He then strikes the tinderbox and the three monstrous dogs appear. They toss the judge and the councilors, the King and Queen into the air. All are dashed to pieces when they fall to earth. The soldier and the princess are united, and the dogs join the wedding feast.

vineri, 9 aprilie 2010

Kaena - La Prophetie

Kaena - La Prophetie

AXIS, a gigantic coiling plant, stretches high above the clouds... At its center is a village whose people are in mortal danger because Axis is withering... it's sap is drying up. The people beg their gods for help... but to no avail. Compelled by a mysterious force, Kaena, a rebellious, high-spirited teenage girl will defy the High Priest and her people's ancestral beliefs to take the perilous journey through the Axis and discover what dark secrets lie beyond the clouds... A dying world, an evil force, a terrible secret...

Axul este un arbore gigant care se ridica deasupra norilor. Pe crengile lui traieste o comunitate imaginara, aflata in pericol de moarte.

Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 699 MiB
Duration : 1h 27mn
Overall bit rate : 1 119 Kbps

Subtitrare Romana

Moby - The adventures of young Moby Dick (1996)

Moby - The adventures of young Moby Dick (1996)

Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 497 MiB
Duration : 43mn 49s
Overall bit rate : 1 587 Kbps

Download -->

duminică, 4 aprilie 2010

Hans Christian Andersen - The Little Match Girl (Fetita cu chibrituri)

Hans Christian Andersen - The Little Match Girl (Fetita cu chibrituri)

"...Dar in coltul dintre cele doua case, cand se lumina de ziua, zacea jos fetita, cu obrajii rosii, cu zambetul pe buze… moarta, moarta de frig, in cea din urma noapte a anului. Ziua Anului nou o gasi acolo zgribulita cu gramajoara ei de cutii cu chibrituri, din care o cutie fusese arsa..."

Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 270 MiB
Duration : 24mn 19s
Width : 352 pixels
Height : 288 pixels
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Format : AC-3
Bit rate : 128 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels

sâmbătă, 3 aprilie 2010

White Fang (Colt Alb) (1993)

White Fang (Colt Alb)(1993)

The story begins before the three-quarters wolf-dog hybrid is born, with two men and their sled dog team. The men, Bill and Henry, are stalked by a large pack of starving wolves over the course of several days. Finally, four more teams find Henry, after all his dogs have been eaten and Bill has been killed, in a ring of coals from his fire in an attempt to keep the wolves away. The story then follows the pack, which has been robbed of its last prey. When the pack finally manages to bring down a moose, the famine is ended; they eventually split up, and the story now follows a she-wolf and her mate, One Eye. The she-wolf gives birth to a litter of five cubs by the Mackenzie River, and all but one die from hunger. One Eye is killed by a lynx while trying to rob its den for food for the she-wolf and her cub; his mate later discovers his remains near the lynx's den. The surviving cub and the she-wolf are left to fend for themselves.
The cub comes across five Native Americans one day, and the she-wolf comes to his rescue. One man, Grey Beaver, recognizes the she-wolf as Kiche, his brother's wolfdog, who left during a famine. Grey Beaver's brother is dead, so he takes Kiche and her cub, christening the cub White Fang. White Fang has a harsh life in the Indian camp; the current puppy pack, seeing him as a wolf, immediately attack him. He is saved by the Indians, but the pups never accept him, and the leader Lip-lip singles him out for persecution. White Fang grows to become a savage, morose, solitary, and deadly fighter, "the enemy of his kind."
When White Fang is five years old, he is taken to Fort Yukon so that Grey Beaver can trade with the gold-hunters. There, he is sold—for a bottle of whiskey—to a dog-fighter, Beauty Smith. White Fang defeats all opponents, until a bulldog is brought in to fight him. The bulldog manages to get a grip on the skin and fur of White Fang's neck, and slowly and surely begins to throttle him. White Fang nearly suffocates, but is rescued when a rich, young gold hunter, Weedon Scott, happens by and stops the fight.
Scott attempts to tame White Fang and after a long patient effort he succeeds. When Scott attempts to return to California alone, White Fang pursues him, and Scott decides to take the dog with him back home. In Santa Clara, White Fang must adjust to the laws of the estate. At the end of the book, a murderous criminal, Jim Hall, tries to kill Judge Scott, who had sentenced Hall to prison, not knowing that Hall was "railroaded". White Fang kills Hall and is nearly killed himself, but survives. As a result, the women of Scott's estate name him "The Blessed Wolf", and the story ends with White Fang relaxing in the sun with the puppies he had fathered with the sheep-dog Collie.

"Intr-o zi de iarna in tinutul indepartat al wild-ului,in codru de molift negru din Alaska se naste un pui de lup .Dupa o vreme de la nasterea lui puiul incepe a prinde gustul vanatului si incepe a vana alaturi de mama sa.Intr-o zi pe cand iesise la vanatoare alaturi de mama lui intalnira o tabara de indieni.Acolo a primit numele de COLT ALB si la intalnit pe primul sau stapan pe nume Castor Cenusiu si tot acolo fu despartit de mama sa care fu data in schimbul unei datori pe care o avea stapanul sau Castor Cenusiu. Dupa ce trecu prin multe peripetii la varsta de cinci ani stapanul sau il lua intr-o calatorie la YUCON un fluviu din Alaska.Acolo Castor Cenusiu cazu prada alcoolului si deoarece nu mai avea bani pentru a-si satisface viciul il vandu pe Colt Alb pe o lada de Whisky.Noul sau stapan pe nume Smith frumosu il batea si il necajea pentru a-l inrai.Desigur pentru acest lucru exista si o explicate.Smith frumosu vroia sa organizeze spectacole sangeroase cu animale iar Colt alb era unul dintre aceste animale.Dupa numeroase lupte castigate Colt Alb fu invins de un bulldog care il omora daca nu intervenea dl Scott fiul unui judecator si prietenul acestuia Matt.Dupa ce il salvara cei doi il luara in grija pe Colt Alb. Dupa un timp, dupa ce acesta isi reveni, noul sau stapan il lua cu el in California, acolo isi cunoscu intreaga familie si pe cateaua Collie. Alaturi de noua lui familie fu inconjurat de iubire,de atata iubire incat ajunse si el sa-I iubeasca. El isi apara stapanul chiar cu pretul vietii.Deoarece el si-a pus viata in pericol pentru a-si salva stapanul s-a ales cu rani grave dar care din fericire s-au vindecat.Dupa ce isi reveni el se putu bucura impreuna cu Coliie de puisori sai.Intr-adevar Colt Alb fu un lup binecuvantat..."

Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 497 MiB
Duration : 49mn 34s

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