Hans Christian Andersen - The flying trunk (Cufarul zburator)There once was a merchant so wealthy that he could have paved a whole street with silver, and still have had enough left over to pave a little alley. But he did nothing of the sort. He knew better ways of using his money than that. If he parted with pennies they came back to him as crowns. That's the sort of merchant he was-and then he died.
Era odata un negustor asa de bogat incat ar fi putut sa pardoseasca cu bani de argint toata strada lui si pe langa asta si o ulicioara aproape toata, dar nu le pardosea pentru ca-si intrebuinta altfel banii si cand dadea o para, lua inapoi un galben, fiindca era priceput; dar intr-o buna zi a murit.Fecioru-su a mostenit toata averea si cand s-a vazut cu atata banet a inceput sa duca o viata de petreceri; facea zmee din banii de hartie si arunca in apa galbeni in loc de pietre.Cu asemenea indeletniciri, paralele s-au ispravit repede si nu i-au mai ramas decat patru banuti de arama, iar haine nu mai avea decat un halat vechi si o pereche de papuci.http://uploading.com/files/ea49bc75/Hans%2BChristian%2BAndersen%2B-%2BCufarul%2BZburator.mp4/
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