The Batman vs Dracula: The Animated Movie (2005) Joker and Penguin have escaped from Arkham Asylum, and Batman is summoned to round them up. Unfortunately for the Joker, he appears to have been electrocuted when, in order to escape Batman, he jumps into a river with his palm shocker still activated. Penguin, however, makes it to the Gotham City Cemetery where an inmate has told him some loot is buried in a certain tomb. In searching for the tomb, Penguin inadvertently awakens Dracula when he spills blood on Drac's corpse. After feeding on the cemetery guard, Dracula turns Penguin into his renfield. A cloud of fear descends over Gotham City as people begin to go missing.
At the same time that Dracula is planning to turn Gotham City into the City of the Undead, Bruce Wayne is planning the Wayne Industries Energy Expo to be held tomorrow evening at Wayne Manor. During an interview with Gotham City News reporter Vicky Vale, he invites Vicky (who appears to be developing a thing for Bruce) to be his date. That night on his watch over the city, Batman sees the cemetery guard attack a woman after knocking out a hoodlum who was trying to steal her purse. When Batman jumps in to help the woman, all three of them -- the guard, the hoodlum, and the woman -- turn on Batman, all of them now vampires. Batman escapes by jumping on the top of a passing El train.
The Batman vs Dracula: The Animated Movie prezinta una din povestile orasului Gotham al carui cavaler intunecat il vegheaza zi si noapte. Dar de data aceasta, Batman se va lupta cu o forta nemaintalnita. Cu ajutorul lui Penguin, Dracula transforma intreg orasul Gotham intr-o armata de vampiri, in timp ce Batman face tot ce poate pentru a-i impiedica. Dar Dracula nu este doar un simplu raufacator din randul celor cu care Batman s-a duelat de mai multe ori pana in prezent. Dracula are puteri supranaturale, viteza lui este incredibila, iar controlul asupra mintii este unul din atuurile lui. Chiar si cu tot arsenalul de dispozitive tehnologice disponibil, cavalerul intunecat este totusi un simplu muritor, fara puteri. Aceasta infruntare este decisiva, intr-una din povestile care ii au in centrul actiunii si alti pe raufacatori, cum ar fi Joker si Vicky Vale. Directors: Michael Goguen, Seung Eun Kim
Writers: Duane Capizzi, Bob Kane
Starring: Rino Romano, Peter Stormare, Tara Strong
Genre: Animation | Action
Runtime: 83 min
Release Date: 18 October 2005
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana
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