Hans Christian Andersen - The professor and the flea (Profesorul si puricele)There was once an aëronaut with whom things went badly; the balloon burst, tumbled the man out, and broke into bits. His boy he had two minutes before sent down with a parachute,—that was the boy’s luck; he was unhurt and went about with knowledge enough to make him an aëronaut too, but he had no balloon and no means of acquiring one.
But live he must, and so he applied himself to the art of legerdemain and to talking in his stomach; in fact he became a ventriloquist, as they say. He was young, good-looking, and when he got a moustache and had his best clothes on, he could be taken for a nobleman’s son. The ladies seemed to think well of him; one young lady even was so taken with his charms and his great dexterity that she went off with him to foreign parts. There he called himself Professor—he could scarcely do less.
His constant thought was how to get himself a balloon and go up into the air with his little wife, but as yet they had no means.
A fost o data un aeronaut pentru care lucrurile au mers prost, balonul s-a spart, l-a aruncat de-a berbeleacul,si s-a facut farâmite. Dar baiatul sau a avut noroc, cu doua minute înainte sarise deja cu parasuta, noroc curat, a scapat nevatamat,unde mai pui ca avea toate cunostiintele pentru a deveni un aeronaut, pacat ca nu mai avea balon si nici suficiente mijloace sa cumpere unul.
Dar viata trebuie traita, asa ca deveni trubadur si începu sa vorbeasca din stomac, de fapt deveni ventrilog, cum se spune. Era tânar, atragator, începu sa poarte mustata si purta hainele cele mai bune pe care le avea, lesne ar fi putut trece drept fiul unui nobil.
Domnisoarele aveau o parere foarte buna despre el, iar o tânara domnita a fost atât de fermecata de dânsul si de îndemânarea sa încât fugi cu el in tari straine. Acolo îsi lua titlul de Profesorul atceva nu putea face.
Se gândea încontinuu cum sa faca rost de un balon cu care sa pluteasca prin aer alaturi de draga sa satie, dar oricât socotea nu avea mijloacele necesare.http://uploading.com/files/ma973fbe/Hans%2BChristian%2BAndersen%2B-%2BProfesorul%2Bsi%2BPuricele.avi/
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